Technological development of valve industry

The Conference on Technological Development in the Valve Industry. The Way to Sovereignty and Import Independence. Staffing Needs of the Industry took place within the conference programme of Neftegaz 2024. The event was organised by EXPOCENTRE AO and the Scientific & Industrial Valve Manufacturers Association.
The conference was attended by industry experts engaged in the development and production of valves. They gave the audience an opportunity to get acquainted with innovations in valve manufacturing, spoke about how import substitution in this industry was progressing, and answered questions from the audience.
The conference was moderated by Ivan Ter-Mateosyants, Executive Director at the Scientific & Industrial Valve Manufacturers Association.
Genady Shmal, President at the Union of Oil and Gas Producers of Russia, opened the conference and said that all representatives of the industry would have to do serious work to ensure that the valves produced met the new requirements and demands. He also pointed out that the technological sovereignty of the Russian valve industry depended on the two most important factors: resources and competent professionals.
Ruslan Yangirov, representative of Yamal LNG, spoke about the company's experience in providing spare parts for production facilities under sanctions. The speaker considered possible challenges for a company that may arise due to the absence of foreign companies' products on the domestic market and presented ways to resolve the difficult situation.
Pavel Galikaev, Head of the Wellhead, Fountain and Pipeline Valves Group, delivered a report on a methodology for assessing the efficiency of receipt inspection of shut-off and control valves in Lukoil’s oil and gas production equipment. He emphasised the importance of this inspection of products and recommended to monetise the process of predicted losses, i.e. to calculate how much the company would lose if faulty equipment entered the facility by comparing possible losses with the costs of receipt inspection.
In addition, the speakers discussed the importance of standardisation in the import substitution of pipeline valves, touched upon the topic of advanced training programmes for solving complex reverse engineering problems, and considered the capabilities of Sealur in the field of import substitution.
Press Service, EXPOCENTRE AO