Main Product Sectors
- Oil and gas exploration
- Oil and gas field development
- Equipment and technology for offshore field development
- Collection, storage and logistics of hydrocarbons
- LNG: production, transportation, distribution and use, investment
- Specialized vehicles for petroleum products transportation
- Oil and gas processing, petrochemistry, gas chemistry
- Delivery and distribution of oil, gas and petroleum products
- Equipment and technology for filling stations
- Service, maintenance equipment and technology
- Non-destructive testing (NDT)
- ACS, test equipment
- IT for the oil and gas industry
- Electrical equipment
- Health safety at facilities
- Environmental conservation services
Full Thematic Sectors
- Geological and geophysical research. Oil and gas exploration, integrated assessment of oil-and-gas bearing areas and local objects, estimation of reserves.
- Onshore and offshore oil and gas well construction. Horizontal wells drilling. Equipment and technologies.
- Oil and gas field development. Methods of bed stimulation for enhanced oil recovery. Equipment and technologies.
- Oil and gas gathering and treatment.
- Oil, gas and oil products transportation and storage. Technique and technology of pipeline construction and maintenance. Tanks and tank farms.
- Vehicles for the transportation of oil, petroleum products and liquefied gas.
- Pumps, compressor equipment, pneumatics, driving gears, oil and gas complex engines.
- Locking and regulating fittings.
- Pipes.
- Oil and gas processing and petrochemical industry. Equipment and technologies.
- LNG: production, transportation, distribution and use, investment.
- Construction of facilities for oil and gas industry including offshore units. Construction machinery.
- Power and electrotechnical equipment for oil and gas industry. Cables. Welding equipment.
- Chemical reagents, additives and materials for the oil and gas producing and oil refining industries, for oil and oil products transport.
- Automated control systems and telemechanization of drilling, production, gathering, transportation, storage and processing of oil and gas. Instrumentation. Means of measurement assurance.
- Corrosion prevention. Equipment and pipelines corrosion prevention. Corrosion inhibitors. Units and insulating materials.
- Ecology: scientific research, technologies, equipment, instrumentation. Modern systems of environmental monitoring. Processing waste utilizing and treatment.
- Labour protection, safety systems and fire safety equipment.
- Labware and analytical instrumentation, furniture. Mobile laboratories.
- Mobile production buildings and cabins.
- Oil, gas, and oil products delivery and sale. Filling stations.
- Economic research and analysis of oil and gas industry development. Industry management in new economic conditions, issues of legal and financial regulation.
- Scientific research and designing. Project appraisal.
- Innovations made in Russia
- Dataware and software.
- Scientific and technical literature.
- IT for the oil and gas industry.